Rwandan Adventures


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Tea Plantation Tours

Rwanda’s tea plantations are primarily located in the regions of Northern and Western provinces, with significant plantations around the areas of Gisenyi and Gisovu.

The high altitude and temperate climate of Rwanda provide ideal conditions for growing high-quality tea.

Rwandan tea is renowned for its bright color, brisk flavor, and fragrant aroma, often considered some of the best in the world.

Tea is one of Rwanda’s major export crops, contributing significantly to the country’s GDP and providing employment to many Rwandans.
Many tea plantations in Rwanda are working towards sustainable farming practices to ensure long-term environmental health and economic viability.

The tea industry in Rwanda started in the 1950s and has since grown to be a crucial sector in the agricultural landscape of the country.

Tours are available in Gisenyi and along Lake Kivu (Congo Nile Trail).

Coffee Plantation Tours

Rwanda has become renowned for its coffee production, particularly in recent years. The country’s coffee industry has seen significant growth and recognition for its high-quality Arabica beans. Coffee plantations in Rwanda are typically located in the mountainous regions with rich volcanic soil, which provides ideal conditions for coffee cultivation.

Rwanda’s coffee is known for its distinctive flavours, often characterized by fruity and floral notes with a bright acidity. The coffee is mainly grown by smallholder farmers organized into cooperatives, which helps ensure fair trade practices and sustainability.

The coffee industry in Rwanda has also played a crucial role in the country’s economic development, providing income and employment opportunities to many rural communities. It has been a source of pride for Rwandans, showcasing their ability to produce world-class coffee and compete in the global market.

Overall, Rwanda’s coffee plantations are not only a significant part of its agricultural landscape but also a testament to the country’s commitment to producing high-quality coffee beans that are sought after by coffee enthusiasts worldwide.

Tours are available in Gisenyi and along Lake Kivu (Congo Nile Trail).

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